Seventh Move.Link.Engage. conference organized by the Belgrade Open School, entitled [Citizens caught in the action: Stories from the other side], was held on September 21st and 22nd, 2021. Due to the safety of the participants, because of the bad epidemic situation, a small part of the participants followed the conference live from the Zira Hotel in Belgrade, while a larger part joined the online discussion. Event highlight topics were the stories of citizens from the other side - those who initiate change as well as those for whom change is initiated, stories about dialogue with public authorities, but also those about the fight - for free media, against fake news, for clean air and against depopulation. The event was organized with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade and the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia.
Seventh Move.Link.Engage. conference [Citizens caught in the action: Stories from the other side]